| Can you start and finish an AR-15 build during a time of unprecedented demand? You can! You just may have to get creative...
| A restraining order is pretty much like it sounds it is, an order from a court that is supposed to restrain someone’s actions or conduct. However, it is just that, an order. In and of itself, it does not protect anyone beyond providing penalties to one who is caught violating it. But if the
penalties are not a sufficient deterrent to the one so ordered, it provides no real physical protection.
| An Oklahoma man got a rude awakening recently when two men, at least one armed, broke into his bedroom in the middle of the night.
| A 22-year-old Chicago man thought it was a good idea to steal a flatbed tow truck from a local towing company. I’m going to infer that the truck had a GPS locating device on board because the tow company’s owner provided the police with the truck’s location.
| All we know about this one is that at about 9:45 PM, an unknown man enters the home of a 26-year-old Center Point, AL man, and an argument ensues. The argument escalates into a physical confrontation, and then somehow, the intruder takes a gun away from the resident and shoots
| Both Accidental Discharges and Negligent Discharges can happen but they mean completely different things. The two terms are not interchangeable and most shooters will never experience an accidental discharge. 99.9% of the time you hear someone referring to an accidental discharge it is
actually a negligent discharge.
| Just how powerful IS 5.7x28mm? Some people seem to think it's a new standard in personal protection rounds. Is it though? Read on....
| Let’s say you’ve traveled somewhere to take a rifle or a pistol course. At the end of the course you have some ammunition left over and you need to get it
| Here is another brief, just-for-fun Quiz, like the one I presented in July 2015, Basic Firearms Quiz. I received several personal comments and emails, mostly positive, and a large majority did very well. It was meant to be a light, fun experience for folks. I guess you cannot design a Quiz
that challenges everyone the same and is an “average” knowledge test. So, just enjoy the journey and have fun! This Quiz to have some fun and improve your firearms knowledge base.