From Julia DeGraw <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: Tell Governor Brown: No Exemptions for Natural Gas Power Plants
Date February 11, 2021 12:48 AM
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Dear John,

I wanted to make sure you saw this message asking Governor Brown to ensure natural gas power plants are held accountable for their pollution, which contributes significantly to climate change. 

As the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is beginning to implement the governor’s executive order (also known as the Oregon Climate Action Plan) they are proposing to exempt natural gas power plants from reducing emissions. This makes no sense—methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and should be required to reduce emissions as well. 

DEQ’s Rule-Making Advisory Committee is having its next meeting on Wednesday, February 17th, and the agency has the opportunity to course correct by including natural gas power plants in their emissions reduction plan. Please ask Governor Brown to tell her state agency, DEQ, to require natural gas power plants to reduce their emissions along with all other dirty sources of energy. [[link removed]]

Thank you,
Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV


Dear John,

Natural gas power plants are some of the biggest climate polluters in Oregon. And yet, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) wants to give them a free pass by exempting them from the Climate Protection Program. Tell Governor Brown: natural gas power plants must be held accountable for their contributions to climate change [[link removed]]!

The Climate Protection Program (formerly known as Cap & Reduce) is part of Governor Brown’s executive order for climate action, and would require the state’s largest polluters to reduce their emissions and transition to clean energy. So why exclude Oregon’s largest stationary source of pollution? It just doesn’t make sense. If we’re serious about reducing Oregon’s emissions, we need to get off all fossil fuels—including fracked natural gas—and focus on real clean energy.

Please send an email to Governor Brown today [[link removed]]. The largest polluters in Oregon need to be held accountable for their impact on our future. With one out of every 10 tons of climate pollution coming from gas-burning power plants, we simply can’t afford to let them continue on with business-as-usual.

If we act now, there’s still time for Governor Brown to make the Climate Protection Program as strong as it needs to be, without exemptions for Oregon’s biggest polluters. Tell Governor Brown: we should be investing in a cleaner future, not clinging to a fossil fuel past [[link removed]].

Thank you,
Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV


Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600
Portland, OR 97204
United States

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