John, As the Chair of Our Revolution’s Board of Directors, I want you to know how deeply we appreciate your support! Our Revolution’s Board — which includes progressive leaders like Keith Ellison and Jim Hightower — volunteer to serve because we are committed to continuing the political movement that Bernie inspired during his 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. We know that elections come and go, and that transformational change doesn’t happen overnight — it comes through long-term organizing. That’s why Our Revolution is implementing our strategic plan for 2021 and beyond RIGHT NOW. Having a consistent revenue stream is critical to supporting long-term organizing. We have hundreds of local and state groups, powered by our team of local organizers and volunteers who are the backbone of Our Revolution’s work. Can I count on you to support the growth of Our Revolution by becoming a recurring member of Our Revolution?
Our Revolution didn’t stop organizing after Election Day. We’re already hard at work implementing our 2021 Plan to Win real progress by organizing our grassroots network to:
- Hold our Democratic President and Congress accountable to progressives
- Elect progressive champions up and down the ballot
- Fight for progressive policies both locally and nationally
- Build a more progressive Democratic Party
Every Monday night, we bring together our national membership for our National Organize to Win Call on Zoom featuring high profile progressive champions — like Ilhan Omar who joined us this week — and our own organizers from across the country to discuss how we’re working together to advance the plan above.
On this Monday's call, we heard from the people on the front lines of progressive policy fights like raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, canceling student debt, Medicare for All, and much more. We got updates from Our Revolution volunteers who are doing the phone banking and door knocking to elect progressive champions — like Nina Turner and others. And we heard from people who are working to reform the Democratic Party because we know we need a grassroots Democratic Party in the 57 states and territories to be able to effectively advance our issue and electoral work. Our Monday night call is an example of what Our Revolution is doing every single day across the USA. This movement-building work is critical to winning long-term change. If you can afford it, please consider becoming a recurring member of Our Revolution to help support our mission!
Because of your support, 2020 was the most successful year for Our Revolution yet. Nearly 75% of our 450 endorsed candidates won their races, and we were able to cement our 2016 Democratic Party reforms and significantly influence the policy trajectory of the Biden administration.
We are well-positioned to build on our success in 2021 and beyond. A key reason is because of the dedication of our small but powerful team of skilled campaigners and organizers led by Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese. Our team constantly works with volunteer leaders and local part-time organizers who are changing the politics in their communities by coordinating our electoral, policy, and party reform work. This reliance on part-time local organizers who were first volunteer leaders is unique because it builds the infrastructure for long-term change. We support a national network of grassroots organizers and empower them with the tools to build something powerful where they live. Consider becoming a recurring member of Our Revolution in 2021 to fund this important work, John.
Either way, we deeply appreciate your current support!
In solidarity,
Larry Cohen Board Chair Our Revolution 