Dear John,
As we celebrate Black History Month, I celebrate the undeniable power of community. From my vantage point as Director of Equity and Outreach at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), I see the possibilities that arise when communities are authentically engaged and supported.
This is where hope resides. Where communities are given the opportunity to determine the solutions for their community and supported by their partners.
I invite you to join us.
Each day, communities around the country are ravaged and devastated by preventable gun violence due to the longstanding institutions of racism that perpetuate violence, which include income inequality, poverty, underfunded public schools, and inadequate public services.
Against this backdrop, a public health emergency of gun violence has been surging across the country, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Violent crimes have sharply increased with rates of gun assault rising 25% from 2019 to 2020. [link removed]
This crisis makes our Engaging Impacted Communities program more important than ever. We develop authentic relationships with community leaders and organizers, host advocacy workshops, and build community-driven advocacy networks. We know that the way to stop gun violence is to provide hands-on support and tools for communities to rid their neighborhoods of gun violence by tackling structural inequities and delivering violence intervention and prevention programs.
I have the privilege of partnering with tireless champions who work hard to prevent violence in their communities. I witness them tackle both the root causes of violence and the unregulated access to firearms that fuels it.
These champions need our support. In order to seriously address gun violence, we must do more to engage and support affected communities. Will you join me by making a gift in honor of Black History Month to support this vital work? [link removed]
Your gift will fund programs that address gun violence with the sense of urgency it deserves.
We need your support to do this important work. Please make a generous gift to honor the countless lives lost and provide crucial support to save lives. [link removed]
We are only as powerful as the community that supports us. Thank you for considering my request to join the community of citizens committed to safeguarding life.
Lauren Footman
Director of Equity and Outreach
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
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