From Ashley Nicole, Indigenous Environmental Network <[email protected]>
Subject Take action by demanding the Biden Administration act boldly on behalf of Unci Maka and future generations.
Date February 10, 2021 7:50 PM
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Greetings relatives, 

We are writing to you today to ask you to take action by demanding the Biden Administration act boldly on behalf of Unci Maka and future generations. : [link removed]

Since his inauguration, President Biden has begun the work of rolling back some of the Trump-era policies that devastated our communities and Unci Maka. The $1.9 trillion rescue plan he’s delivered to Congress seeks to immediately address urgent needs -- vaccinations, $1400 survival checks, and help for people who are hungry, unemployed, or facing eviction.

Now we need your help to convince President Biden that a longer-term recovery plan must deliver on climate, racial, and economic justice. : [link removed]

In the next few weeks, we expect the Biden administration to propose a historic recovery package to Congress, which means right now is our window of opportunity to influence what could be a once-in-a-generation opening to strengthen nation-to-nation relationships with Tribal nations and communities, create millions of good union jobs, tackle the climate crisis, and address racial and economic injustice.

Send your virtual letter to President Biden now! : [link removed]

We’ve provided sample text for the letter to make it easy, but we encourage you to add a personal note to let him know what an ambitious and equitable recovery plan along the lines of the THRIVE Agenda would mean for your family, community, and the planet.

In this time of overlapping crises, only a bold and just recovery plan that prioritizes Indigenous, Black, and Brown frontline communities will meet our needs. Your letter can help remind President Biden that we delivered his win and that he is accountable to us.

Blessings and solidarity,

Ashley Nicole,
Green New Deal Organizer
Indigenous Environmental Network

P.S. On Tuesday we hosted a grassroots webinar with our partners in the Green New Deal Network and some Members of Congress detailing the THRIVE Agenda and our plan to win. You can watch the recording here : [link removed] or on the Green New Deal Network website : [link removed] in case you missed it!

Established in 1990, The Indigenous Environmental Network is an international environmental justice nonprofit that works with tribal grassroots organizations to build the capacity of Indigenous communities. I EN’s activities include empowering Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, the health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.
Learn more here: : [link removed]

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The Indigenous Environmental Network - PO Box 485 - Bemidji - MN - 56619

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