
This month is the 11th anniversary of the Citizens United vs. FEC -- when the Supreme Court ruled that corporations have the same right to freedom of speech as everyday people and that money equals speech.

The Citizens United decision set our democracy on a horrific course that allowed for leaders to be bought and sold by corporations. Billionaires and special interest groups elected far-right people to office like Donald Trump and contributed to the erosion of our democracy. This influx of dark money is also why bills that would strengthen our democracy, like the For the People Act, were never even brought to a vote by Mitch McConnell.

Jason doesn't accept a dime of corporate PAC money and was one of the first public servants to take the No Corporate PAC Money Pledge. Reforming our democracy and getting big money out of politics has always been his priority -- which is why he introduced the End Dark Money Act, an important component of the For The People Act, as his first bill in 2019 and re-introduced it in 2021.

Money is not speech, corporations are not people, and our democracy is not for sale -- so Jason is joining End Citizens United to double down on efforts to overturn it once and for all.

We can't afford another year of Citizens United. And now that Mitch McConnell is no longer the Senate majority leader and a new administration was just sworn in, NOW is the time to repair our democracy. If you're with us, help us reach 100,000 grassroots signatures NOW.

Thank you,

Team Crow

Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress -- and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?


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Paid for by Jason Crow for Congress

Jason Crow for Congress
PO Box 32145
Aurora, CO 80041-2145