Did you catch this headline last month?

The US economy lost 140,000 jobs in December. All of them were held by women.
All. Of. Them. Were. Held. By. Women.
And beyond this headline, the article details that women of color were disproportionately affected by these job cuts.
This is not acceptable—and we cannot let this issue fall under the radar. Female-dominated industries have been hit the hardest by this pandemic, and many women have also been forced to make difficult trade-offs between work and parenting.
As one of the only single working moms of young kids in Congress, I am paying close attention to these numbers and am fighting for ways women can re-enter the workforce and sustain their jobs. But I can’t do this alone. If you believe Washington should make it a priority to provide support to women re-entering the workforce, add your name »
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We know the solutions that will solve this crisis—like affordable childcare and flexible paid leave. But the issue is that not enough leaders are speaking out. Washington politicians (who are disproportionately made up of wealthy men) have ignored these issues for far too long, and still are ignoring them despite these alarming job numbers.
Here’s an undeniable fact: Policies like affordable childcare and flexible paid leave are not just for women. They are vital keys to rebuilding our post-COVID economy and they benefit every single person in our country.
As we rebuild our economy, I’ll be using my voice to advocate for these critical policies that will make recovery much easier for working families. But I need your help to speak out on this. If you agree we need to prioritize affordable childcare and flexible paid leave when rebuilding our workforce, add your name.
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Thanks for being by my side,
Katie Porter via LeftNet