
John, President Joe Biden has nominated Rep. Deb Haaland to lead the Department of the Interior.

Republicans backed by corporate polluters and deep-pocketed oil lobbyists are scared of her becoming Secretary of the Interior.

They should be.

The problem is that the fossil fuel industry and other corporate special interests don't want Deb to be confirmed and they're putting pressure on Republicans and corporate Democrats to stop her nomination. We can't let that happen.

No more free passes to destroy our planet for private gain. Join me in pledging your support of Rep. Deb Haaland for Secretary of Interior by adding your name now. #DebforInterior

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Last week, 15 Republican Congressmen signed a letter to President Biden opposing Deb’s nomination claiming it’s "a direct threat to working men and women and a rejection of responsible development of America’s natural resources."

The Lakota People’s Law Project quickly pointed out that "it’s notable they targeted an Indigenous nominee."

This isn’t just about Deb’s commitment to upholding Biden’s no new fossil fuel contracts pledge; It’s also about race.

The Department of Interior is responsible for honoring the federal government's legally binding obligations to the country's 574 federally recognized Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages.

Since the beginning of our country, these treaties have been systematically violated with devastating consequences for Native Americans, from political participation and economic opportunities to life expectancy and educational equity. Not only has the Department of Interior stood by and let it happen, far too often, the Department has lead the way

Imagine, as the first Native American Interior Secretary, the impact Rep. Haaland will have leading the department in a new direction. Join me in pledging your support now.

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In solidarity, we make change happen.

- Yvette

Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America

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