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Editor's Note:

As Hollywood continues to glamorize transgenderism, those who have suffered from it are speaking out. Walt Heyer lived as a transgender woman for eight years, pressured by his grandmother at an early age to think of himself as a girl rather than a boy. Gender clinics across the country are doing the same type of gaslighting of children who are confused about their sex. Hollywood never tells the whole story, though, which is why we need to listen to the true experts who have suffered from this child abuse. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
February 10, 2021
I Know What Happens To The Kids in ‘Transhood’, Because It Happened To Me

A new HBO Max documentary, “Transhood,” follows for five years the lives of four Kansas City, Mo. children who believe they are the opposite sex.

I identified as a “transgender woman” for eight years. Today, watching this documentary, I marvel at how the events of my childhood groomed me into believing that identifying as the opposite sex was the solution to my gender confusion. My heart goes out to these children who also are being groomed into a transgender life.

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