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We’re in the midst of our country’s most devastating and deadly public health crisis in modern history—and despite serving on the frontlines of the pandemic, over 400,000 immigrant New Yorkers have been excluded from the healthcare coverage they need to ensure their health and recovery. 

Our representatives can and must extend full health coverage to ALL New Yorkers who have had COVID-19, regardless of status.

Join our #Coverage4All Day of Action!

We need your help—we’re fighting to pass the COVID Temporary Essential Plan Eligibility Bill (A1585/S2549), which would extend coverage to all low-income undocumented New Yorkers who have had COVID-19. 

Today, we’re hosting a day of action to demand our leaders support this legislation and guarantee that anyone who has suffered from COVID-19 can access life-saving health coverage. Help us pass these critical interventions by sharing our posts and tagging your representative! 

Passing the COVID Temporary Essential Plan is a stepping stone in the broader fight to pass #Coverage4All. Together, we can guarantee healthcare as a fundamental right, irrespective of immigration status.

Thanks for fighting with us,

Murad Awawdeh and Rovika Rajkishun
Interim Co-Executive Directors


Take Action: Share Posts from Our #Coverage4All Toolkit!
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA