
Our next Steering Committee elections are rapidly approaching. 

Per our current bylaws, the new Steering Committee term will start on November 18th. But: there is a proposed bylaws change that we’ll debate at our Annual Convention on October 19th, that would, in part, extend the current Steering Committee’s term through some time in December.

We're opening a call today for candidates to serve on a Nominations Committee (NomCom) to oversee the election of Local Officers, to ensure that we have an orderly election process which follows our current bylaws, and which will allow prospective Steering Committee candidates ample time to prepare for their candidacies, while also allowing for the possibility that we may change our current bylaws during the election process, which would have the effect, in part, of extending the current officers’ terms. The Nominations Committee will be tasked with overseeing the next Steering Committee election under either timing scenario.

The Nominations Committee will decide on, communicate, and manage the nominations process for Steering Committee candidates, the timeline for the election, and the voting protocol. Starting today, anyone can nominate themselves for the Nominations Committee, which will consist of three members. In the interest of electing a new Steering Committee in a timely fashion, the nomination period for the Nominations Committee will run from September 27 (today) to 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2nd. If you’re interested in being on the Nominations Committee click here to submit your candidacy.

At the end of the four-day nominations period, the statements of candidates interested in serving on the Nominations Committee will be put on the chapter website and circulated to membership in a chapter-wide email with a call for members to vote. Voting will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 7th, and the Nominations Committee will be announced the following morning. In the meantime, we ask that committed members seriously consider running for these important roles — both the Nominations Committee and the Steering Committee — as we look forward to an exciting new year.

Brief Timeline explaining the process:

September 27: Call for self-nominations for the Nominations Committee opens

October 2: Self-nominations close at 11:59 pm

October 3: Voting for Nominations Committee opens

October 7: Voting closes at 11:59 pm

October 8: Nominations Committee announced

October 19: DSA-LA 2019 Annual Convention

October 20*: Call for Steering Committee candidate nominations opens

October 27*: Voting for Steering Committee Elections opens

Late October TBD*: Steering Committee candidate forum

November 3*: Steering Committee elections close 

November 4*: New Steering Committee announced (beginning of 2-week transition period)

November 18*: Current Steering Committee terms expire; new Steering Committee’s first day 

* These dates are dependent on the outcome of a bylaws change proposal at the Annual Convention. The elected Nominations Committee will communicate the dates, if they need to be adjusted. 

Solidarity Forever! 🌹



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RSVP for DSA-LA’s 2019 Annual Local Convention, October 19th

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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