Dear John,

Democrats in Congress are urgently trying to ram President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion “stimulus” package through the House and Senate.

John, America cannot afford to let these radical and expensive ideas become law. 

Tell your members of Congress to oppose President Biden’s unnecessary coronavirus package if you have not already done so.

Congress has provided more than $3 trillion in five coronavirus recovery bills on a bipartisan basis.  More than $1 trillion from these bills remains unspent. 

But that has not stopped President Biden and his Far-Left allies in Congress from rushing through his $1.9 trillion plan, which would bring total spending in response to the pandemic to an astonishing $5.7 trillion

I urge you to demand that Congress reject Biden’s wasteful and excessive spending package.

The Congressional Budget Office just reported that the economy will return to pre-COVID levels by the middle of this year without a new stimulus package. Spending almost $2 trillion is not needed to get our economy back up to speed. 

John, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have already laid the groundwork for Biden’s outrageously wasteful spending package to move swiftly through Congress.

Please, before you do anything else today, tell your elected officials to oppose President Biden’s “stimulus” plan.

Thank you for helping to win this fight!


Deborah Collier
Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs



The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than 1 million members and supporters nationwide. CCAGW is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that lobbies for legislation to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CCAGW are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.   Privacy Policy.

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