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Paul Lamb is paralysed and fears one day having to starve himself to death. The Court of Appeal has refused him permission to bring a legal challenge over
assisted dying. He says it's time for lawmakers to act.
The family of a 12-year-old girl in Pakistan who was chained up in a cattle pen for more than six months, after allegedly being kidnapped and forced to marry
her abductor, have attacked the authorities for refusing to act.
Nergal, the frontman for the Polish death metal band Behemoth, is facing a charge of blasphemy over an image where he's seen stepping on artwork that depicts
the virgin Mary.
Police in France arrested five people on Tuesday over death threats against a teenager who was forced to leave school and go into hiding for criticising
Islam on social media.
Most European Parliament lawmakers on Tuesday lashed out at Poland's near-total abortion ban, with several arguing it was a fundamental violation of women's
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