In this issue...   


Annual MTAB Workshop: Tought Choices Ahead

This year's SFMTA board workshop was of course very different than previous years, given the historic challenges and deficits under COVID. While recovery funding from the federal government may blunt the worst impacts, we will still need to find sustainable, long-term funding to build the future of Muni we need.

While this fiscal year is balanced, we're facing hundreds of millions in the red in the coming years.

Until we secure more funding, we face very difficult choices around how service returns, how much of the reserves to spend down and when, and how to proceed with transit priority projects.

We spoke up for aggressive roll-out of TETL lanes, and we heard support from the directors. We spoke up on, and heard support for, taking the time to get the subway right. We heard a bold proposal for bringing back fast, frequent service - but likely at the expense of some lower-ridership lines. There was no clear direction on this last idea -  directors said they wanted to hear more from the public about our values. We'll be there to make sure riders are heard.


New Member Happy Hour

We can't wait to meet you all in person! So join us for this *virtual* happy hour to welcome our new members. Learn more about our mission and meet other passionate, fun members and staff who are committed to a better, affordable, and reliable transit system for all. All members welcome - give today to join us!

Wednesday, February 10
5:00-6:00 PM


Priority for the 1 California

SFMTA is getting ready to roll out temporary priority lanes for the 1 California. If you ever use this route, please join their community meetings on February 17 and February 24. They are covering different segments at each meeting, but as we know, improvements in one place affect riders along the route. Sign up now to stay informed about when and how to speak up!


Geary Transit Lanes Complete!

We're really excited to see that the Geary Blvd temporary emergency transit lanes are completed. More than 75% of Geary Blvd now has transit lanes. SFMTA did excellent analysis showing that even with the same service and ridership, street traffic causes crowding on the bus.

If you ride the 38 or 38R Geary, let SFMTA know what you think about the new transit priority treatments. We'll be revisiting the project in coming months to make sure it becomes permanent.


Your Input Needed on SF's Climate Plan

San Francisco Department of the Environment (SFE) has released a draft Climate Plan and is looking for public input. We have submitted an organizational letter outlining some of our suggestions to strengthen the role of public transit in meeting our climate goals.

What you can do to make sure transit takes its appropriate place in the Plan:

Seeking Young Transit Advocates

With the support of Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Spare the Air Youth program, we're launching a youth cohort to learn how to effectively advocate for better transit. If you know a high school student in San Francisco who might be interested, have them sign up! We'll go over the program with them to make sure it's a good fit. The time commitment is about 2-3 hours per week through the end of the school year. We can provide credit for volunteer or intern hours.


John - Join today for access to member-only events and to support our work! Memberships are good for one year.


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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