Sign the Petition:
Demand the Dept. of Defense Inspector General
Investigate Border Militarization
We need your signature. Trump is misusing troops on the U.S.-Mexico border. Demand an investigation of border militarization!
Donald Trump (and Stephen Miller, his xenophobe senior policy adviser) are terrorizing migrants and asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border. Trump's obsession with building a border wall and plowing through "virtual wall" policies to shut down all immigration to the U.S. has revealed one of the ugliest sides of the Administration -- and there are many! Reinforcing these policies, Trump has called for the deployment of thousands of U.S. military troops at the border -- a presence designed to intimidate and shore up enforcement. An additional 2,100 troops were added just this past month. The deployment of these military troops has raised many concerns about violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, against the use of the military for domestic purposes.
It's time for the Dept. of Defense Inspector General (DODIG) to step in and investigate Trump's deployment of troops.
Sign the petition: Demand the DODIG investigate border militarization
Members of Congress recently sent a letter called on the Dept. of Defense Inspector General to investigate the troop deployment. Led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and signed by 33 other members, the letter states, "The Trump Administration's troop deployment at the border is nothing short of alarming and raises serious questions that the administration has repeatedly failed to answer, said Rep. Grijalva, "The military should have no role in enforcing domestic law, and this troop deployment is another scare tactic by President Trump to create a crisis and traumatize asylum-seeking children and their families. The Trump Administration needs to answer these fundamental legal questions and halt their efforts to further militarize our border communities."
NNIRR has joined with several other organizations to demand an investigation of the use of over 7,000 military troops on the border. Please join us!
Add your name: Investigate Border Militarization NOW.
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#InvestigateNow #NoTroopsOnTheBorder #4BorderJustice
#JustBorders #EndBorderMilitarization
Thank you for your support!