
We are less than a week away from our mid-quarter fundraising deadline and we are falling short of our goal. We are still $24,810 behind and unless our grassroots team steps up RIGHT NOW we will fall short. 

We only need 827 members of our team to step up and chip in $30 to help us hit our goal. We are relying on YOU at this critical time. Please don't assume another member of Team Van Duyne will step up this time, we need YOU to step up! 

Last year, the Washington DC pundits counted us out and they all said our campaign was over. But with your support, we were able to elect Beth as our Congresswoman! We need you to step up again this month because Beth is under fire for sticking up for us!

The Democrats are already on the offense against Beth, launching multiple ads on broadcast tv, which is UNHEARD OF this far out from the election. If we do not hit our fundraising goal, the Democrats will know that our race is within their grasp again and they will continue to attack and drag Beth through the mud.

Thank you for your continued support!

Team Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress