Dear SPP Community -
Thank you for your continued investment and interest in building with SPP. September 6th-8th the SPP core organizing committee attended a planning retreat. Our focus was to establish a 12-month strategic plan for continuing to grow and develop SPP as a community-based organizing party.
On November 9, 2019 we will host our third general assembly. The focus of which will be to outline our expanded values statements, to re-ground the work of SPP in community organizing and movement building, and to assess the work ahead in light of changes to the Seattle City Council. In the next month we will provide details regarding the location and make requests for volunteer assistance with facilitation at the assembly.
We deeply appreciate your time and willingness to embrace this journey. It is our deepest hope to develop a strong organizing base to build our collective power and advocacy skills.
SPP Core Organizing Committee
Announcements & Events
Every Friday youth climate activists gather/protest at Seattle City Hall 1pm-2pm
Creative Justice “Up from the Table” Gallery Opening
September 28, 2019, 4pm-6pm
Location: Seattle University Hedreen Gallery
Ballots Drop
October 4, 2019 - Out of State Ballots Mailed
October 16, 2019 - Ballots Mailed
Indigenous Peoples Day
October 14, 2019
9:30am-3:00pm starting at Westlake Park
Indigenous Peoples Day
October 14, 2019
5:00pm-9:00pm at Daybreak Star
Deadline to Register to Vote Online or By Mail
October 28, 2019
Election Day (and last day to register in person)
November 5, 2019
General Assembly
November 9, 2019
Location: TBD