February 9, 2021
Latest columns
It was a coup!
Shari Goodman
Tommy Hayward and me
Steve A. Stone

February 9, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

February 9, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

February 9, 2021
BARBARA KRALIS ? "What the Democrats and liberal media are trying to do to President Donald Trump is regicide by another name, fake impeachment. They want to actually destroy the President. They don't want to preserve the Republic. There's nothing honorable about what is happening, this is a despicable abuse of Constitutional power." (Joseph diGenova, former U.S. attorney and former chief counsel to the Senate Rules Committee, interview on Fox News' 'The Ingraham Angle, 10-8-19.')... (more)

February 9, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? With "Catholic" Joe Biden declaring war on the unborn, heterosexuality, and traditional marriage, the Catholic Church bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. has surrendered to the forces of Cultural Marxism. Defying logic, common sense, and Catholic teachings, the Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, has decided that Biden is a Catholic in good standing and deserves Holy Communion.... (more)

February 8, 2021
SHARI GOODMAN ? "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (John Adams) The defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945 led to the rise of America's superpower status and its superior military force. Our enemies understood that defeating America by military might was not an option; however, a clandestine operation from within might be achievable.... (more)

February 8, 2021
MUST-SEE 23-minute version
BITCHUTE ? The most compelling parts of Mike Lindell's election fraud documentary "Absolute Proof" are distilled down to a 23-minute presentation that focuses on the biggest cyber attack in American history. National intelligence researcher and author Mary Fanning gives a stunning visual analysis of foreign interference with the Nov. 3 election that was detected before, during, and after the election. Must see.... (more)

February 8, 2021
We just had an election that?on the basis of the evidence, and because of a judicial insurrection?has never been reviewed (watch 0:43–18:28 and 26:44–51:30)
FACEBOOK ? Dr. Alan Keyes discusses why the Senate "impeachment trial" of Donald Trump is unconstitutional. He stresses that, although Trump was in office when impeached by the House, he's now a private citizen and the Senate can't lawfully try him--any more than it can try any other private citizen for an alleged crime. He said the Senate trial sets a dangerous precedent, opening all private citizens to the possibility of unlawful political persecution. (Due to audio difficulties, watch 0:43-18:28, then skip to 26:44-51:30.)... (more)

February 7, 2021
'Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona, without those three, Joe Biden isn't president.'
LIFE SITE NEWS ? Immediately after the election, data maven Matthew Braynard began to determine how many fake ballots were cast in the disputed states. He now says he has absolute proof that Biden's victory in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin came through election fraud.... (more)

February 7, 2021
NEWSMAX ? A slain FBI agent was remembered for her strength, infectious laugh, love of family and commitment to protecting children during a memorial service Saturday. Agents Laura Schwartzenberger, 43, and Daniel Alfin, 36, were gunned down Tuesday while serving a search warrant at the Broward County home of a child pornography suspect. The service for Schwartzenberger was held at the Miami Dolphins' football stadium. A separate service for Alfin will be held there Sunday.... (more)

February 7, 2021
Dr. Lyle Rapacki: 2020 election 'a massive fraud, a massive coup' that needs to exposed and remedied
PRESCOTT ENEWS ? Intelligence and threat assessment expert Dr. Lyle Rapacki gives an update on what is happening with the Arizona Senate and its planned forensic audit of the Maricopa County voting machines and ballots, which he said the Senate is still proceeding to arrange. During the Senate's hearings featuring Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani, Dr. Rapacki served as the coordinator of the event. In this latest video, he again talks about the many encouraging letters and handwritten notes he's received, urging him to press onward with his efforts as a private citizen to expose the massive coup that occurred Nov. 3.... (more)

February 6, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? Republican Claudia Tenney will be declared the winner of the last undecided House of Representatives race this election cycle, a judge ruled Friday. Tenney ran against incumbent Democrat Anthony Brindisi to represent New York's 22nd Congressional District.... (more)

February 5, 2021
Don't wear one, do wear one, maybe wear two, but two is no better than one. Huh?
JUST THE NEWS ? First he said don't wear a mask. Then he said wear a mask. Then he said wear two masks. Then he said just wear one mask. Keeping up with Dr. Anthony Fauci's mask-wearing recommendations is getting tough. Back in March, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was emerging, Fauci, the country's top infectious disease expert, said, "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask."... (more)

February 4, 2021
Article (below) amounts to implicit admission of voter fraud enabled by unlawful election changes that skirted legislatures' authority
MOLLY BALL ? A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing. The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence.... (more)

February 4, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? Back in 2010, my group America's Survival, Inc. held a news conference urging Congress to revive the House Internal Security Committee, the successor to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Then-Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa was asked if he would support the "re-creation of such committees" and answered, "I would. I think that is a good process and I would support it." If Republicans had followed his advice, they might not be in the minority and facing a Marxist majority in Congress today.... (more)

February 4, 2021
Senate wants independent forensic audit of Dominion machines—county wants companies affiliated with Dominion to perform audit
KJZZ ? Every Republican in the Arizona Senate supports a resolution to hold the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in contempt and arrest supervisors for failing to turn over access to voting records.... (more)

February 4, 2021
Suggested on 'War Room' that since Senate does not have enough votes to convict Trump, his legal team should play to ?our people? [VIDEO]

February 4, 2021
75 million Americans who value life, faith, family, and freedom are not going away
LIFE SITE NEWS ? What a difference a poll makes. A few weeks ago Liz Cheney (R-WY), the number three Republican in the House – for now – convinced nine of her fellow Republicans to vote to impeach President Donald Trump after a show trial lasting just seven hours. The charge -- ludicrous on its face – was one of inciting insurrection. Still, even Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the House Republicans, said during the debate that President Trump "bears responsibility" for the Capitol demonstration.... (more)

February 4, 2021
Parler investor Dan Bongino disputes Matze's statement over version of events
EPOCH TIMES ? Parler CEO John Matze announced late Wednesday that he has been terminated as the company's CEO. Matze said that the Parler board on Jan. 29 decided to terminate his position, adding that he did not participate in the decision. The Parler board is controlled by Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer.... (more)

February 3, 2021
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? Just a few short years ago, the newly appointed deputy spokesperson for the Biden State Department wrote that the police posed the largest national security threat in America--greater than that of ISIS or Russia--because they were committing "genocide" against Black Americans.... (more)

February 3, 2021
Dr. Stanley Plotkin is considered the Godfather of Vaccines. He gave a 9-hour deposition reluctantly admitting horrific facts about the relationship of abortion to vaccines
LIFE SITE NEWS ? Remember that blockbuster interview with vaccine researcher Pamela Acker who told us about the reality of abortion-tainted vaccines? Click here to watch it if you don't remember. After gaining over 150,000 views, it was removed from YouTube and our main channel was suspended. Still, it's gotten hundreds of thousands of views on other platforms and it remains up on our Rumble channel.... (more)

February 3, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday submitted his answer to the article of impeachment against him via his lawyers. The former president denies that he should be tried in the Senate after the House impeached him last month, arguing that it goes against the Constitution to impeach a former official who doesn't hold any office.... (more)

February 3, 2021
DAILY SIGNAL ? House Democrats prosecuting former President Donald Trump released a memorandum Tuesday laying out key points against Trump, the first president to face an impeachment trial in the Senate after leaving office.... (more)

February 3, 2021
TOWNHALL ? Democrats have reached the point where they're now so routinely using Nazi analogies that they're likely unaware that they're doing it, the way people swear more when they're drunk. In this case, Democrats are drunk with power and not only can they not control themselves, thanks to the media going along with them for the ride, they have no reason to control themselves. And it's going to get much worse before it gets any better, if it ever gets better at all.... (more)

February 2, 2021
'I am done giving my money to The Enemy and funding the destruction of our country'
BOB UNRUH ? Gab.com is an online community where freedom of speech is paramount, with no "fact-checking" of "political opinions, news, history, math problems, memes, or anything else." With that objective, it's not surprising it's been banned from app stores and deplatformed by Silicon Valley giants. Gab CEO Andrew Torba, who signs off on his commentaries with "Jesus is King," says that recently his company has been dumped by a bank, a server-hardware company, an infrastructure analysis software operation and an accountant.... (more)

February 2, 2021
NEWS WITH VIEWS ? Those of us who are constitutional conservatives and believe the words of the Holy Bible and America's founders, who sought freedom and liberty for mankind,fear a dystopian society that imposes a harmful, oppressive, and miserable existence upon its citizens. The communists now in control of our federal government believe they are creating a "utopian" society promoted by Marx and Engels, but their utopia ultimately ends in starvation and death. We've watched for multiple decades as decay has set in at the very core of our liberty loving nation and America has been torn from her freedom loving roots.... (more)

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