PFAW Member -- In the first 48 hours since Speaker Pelosi announced formal impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, we saw the release of bombshell reports that describe offenses that are UNDENIABLY impeachable and public sentiment on impeachment has swung HARD in support of House Democrats' action. And this is truly AMAZING: Polling now shows a MAJORITY of Americans favoring impeachment!!! We're winning the media narrative and dispelling Republicans' lies and diversion tactics, but that's not nearly enough -- the energy we need to build to support this movement, especially at the grassroots level, is going to take a TON of work ... and this congressional recess we're heading into for the next two weeks (starting today) is going to be critical. THE HILL just reported last night that in the two days following the impeachment announcement, the Trump campaign and the RNC raised a whopping $13 MILLION!!! Our People Powered campaign to protect the impeachment investigation and hold Trump accountable still needs to raise nearly $44,000 in just the next 3 days to keep up with our efforts! Can you rush an emergency donation to be a crucial part of this campaign? ---[prev msg]--- PFAW Member, We’re impeaching Trump and we need you with us for this fight. The whistleblower complaint that was released to the public just today is absolutely DAMNING. It provides a study in corruption laying out the magnitude of a scheme among numerous people around Donald Trump to enlist Ukraine in an effort to dig up dirt on a political rival and subvert our democratic elections, and then to cover up the evidence of that scheme! The fight to impeach Trump is a historic endeavor with so much at stake and Republicans are going to try to obstruct, undermine, and discredit the impeachment investigation at every turn. That’s why I'm coming to you with this emergency ask for a donation to fund the fight for impeachment before our September deadline. Trump Republicans are already circling the wagons and trying to distort information about Trump’s solicitation of a foreign country for help with his re-election! We need to raise $55,000 before the end-of-month deadline to keep us in the fight. Our funding deadline coincides with the beginning of a two-week congressional recess that will be absolutely crucial to shaping the entire impeachment process in Congress. PFAW can play a unique and necessary role in this effort and our members’ support will be absolutely critical.
We are playing a central role and, together, with you by our side, we will make history and SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY from the lawlessness and corruption of this president and his allies. But as we approach our deadline – and the congressional recess – we need to hit our fundraising goal to make sure we can have our biggest impact in the impeachment fight while still maintaining all of our work to elect progressives, fight corruption and extremism, and defend Americans’ fundamental rights. You might be asking yourself, what makes this different from Trump many previous crimes and scandals? Here's the answer: The impact of these revelations will play out far differently from the findings of the Mueller report, which laid out similar instances of corruption and obstruction but were presented to the public in a drawn-out confusing way. The Mueller report was 400 pages, came out years after the incidents in question took place, and was released in a manipulated, corrupt, and dishonest way by the Trump administration. This whistleblower complaint is several pages long, easy to understand, and outlines CURRENT efforts by Trump to pressure and collude with a foreign country to help his re-election. There will be far less ambiguity about exactly what happened and Trump Republicans' ability to spin these allegations will be much more limited. The whistleblower complaint shows that the effort to pressure Ukraine to help Trump apparently started months before the infamous July phone call and, according to the whisteblower, that call only happened after numerous officials established that Ukraine would have to 'play ball' in order to get a call or a meeting with Trump. The report and the activities it recounts are jaw-dropping; the American people have every right to expect all those who participated in this scheme to be held accountable -- that's why it's so important that we push hard for impeachment right now. Among other things, the report shows:
We need to stand together and fight like hell. This fight is too important for anything less. Please rush a donation of whatever you can right now to IMPEACH TRUMP!>> Thank you for everything. Onward, Michael Keegan, President