We're launching Defend the Senate to build on the important work that Flip the Senate accomplished — and we need your help to continue protecting Democrats. You can make a donation to help defend and expand our Democratic Senate majority here.


Today marks the start of Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial.

You’re going to see Republicans like Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Marco Rubio of Florida jumping through a lot of hoops to try and defend Trump’s role in inciting the insurrection on the Capitol last month.

We need to show that Trump’s words and actions have consequences, otherwise we’re failing to prevent this violence from happening again.

John, add your name to tell Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans that we need to hold Trump accountable. We must put pressure on the GOP to convict.

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We’ve heard every excuse in the books from the GOP over the last few weeks. Republican Senators have brushed off Trump’s comments time and again and have failed to recognize the existential threat of Trumpism in America.

If we don’t act immediately, we’re going to see a lot more people like Josh Hawley and Marjorie Taylor Greene running for office — so we need to fight back right now.

Sign on to tell the GOP: Enough is enough. We must convict Donald Trump.

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It’s time for Congress to take meaningful action for the egregious attacks against our democracy.


Defend the Senate