That's right, the future entire country, or even the world, depends on you.

Every day, politicians are working dilligently to write new laws that will take away our rights and our freedoms, little by little. Every time this happens, the government grows. And because of this, people are becoming more frustrated with our political environment.

Many predict that America is on the verge of a civil war between the left and the right.

There aren't many people who understand why, or what to do about it. But I do. I understand that politicans are using the average American as pawns to fight their political opponents. I understand that they will feed us lies are to make that happen. I understand that the more powerful government becomes, the more rights will be stripped away, the more people feel less secure in their own homes, and the closer they become to acting out violently with nothing left to lose.

If you're like me, you've already felt this internal struggle. Maybe you've already been harassed by the police, the tax collectors, the government protected corporate monopolies, the TSA, the border patrol, the parking enforcers, CPS, the DEA... the list goes on. Or maybe you haven't but you know it's only a matter of time.

Maybe you want to do something that harms no other person and is not even slightly immoral, but is illegal. Maybe you heard about all the innocent people in prison. Maybe you want to start a business but you are afraid of how the government will regulate your every move, or shut you down. Or maybe you just don't want to feed the beast, knowing that you'll be giving millions to a government that will use that money to harass your neighbors.

We all have our reasons, and although they may be different, they are all the same. We know that we are not government property, the government is not our master, and it has no right to do what it does. We are spreading this information far and wide, but we need your help.

Please make your donation today:

In Liberty,

Dan "Taxation Is Theft" Behrman