The next year of political maneuvering will determine how and if your voice is heard!

Should you care?

Science says you and your children are living in the sixth extinction!
Don't let your vote be extinguished by gerrymandering!

Do something about it!
Join us Tonight to learn how!

Government action is critical to stop planet heating!
Your action is critical to choosing government!

350 Milwaukee's "2nd Tuesday" meetings are an open forum - everyone is invited and anyone can drop in.  Please forward this invitation to your climate/environment mailing list and your friends.

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, February 9, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Meeting

Fair Maps for Wisconsin
Matt RothschildWisconsin Democracy Campaign
Representative Robyn Vining - WI Assembly District 14

Matt Rothschild is the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.  Prior to joining the Democracy Campaign at the start of 2015, Rothschild worked at The Progressive magazine for 32 years. For most of those, he was the editor and publisher of The Progressive. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is working for a real democracy that allows the common good to prevail over narrow interests.

Representative Vining(D) was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in 2018 when she flipped the 14th State Assembly District in one of the closest elections (138 votes) in the country.  Vining was the Primary Sponsor of 2019 Assembly Bill 303 (legislative and congressional redistricting) which failed to pass.  In December 2019 she was a principle driver in the launch of the next project of Forward Wisconsin: Fair Maps.  Rep. Vining won reelection in 2020 by more than 3,000 votes.

Gerrymandering -
Why should voters choose the representatives
when the representatives can choose the voters?

2020's Census triggers the redrawing of Wisconsin's congressional (incl. federal) and senate districts based on the census population numbers so that each district within the state includes roughly the same number of residents.  Those boundaries will be redrawn before the 2022 primaries can be held.

After the 2010 Census those boundaries were drawn
 behind closed doors, with the help of computer modeling, by the Republican members of the legislature and consultants.  The resulting districts pretty much guaranteed a Republican majority in Wisconsin's legislature and U.S. house seats.  Gerrymandering at its BEST (not).

There is a huge effort (fight) underway in Wisconsin to make the new districts fair to the voters.

Do you want to make a difference and have a legislature that better reflects your climate and environmental values?

Join us this tonight!

Here are three Youtube video presentations on gerrymandering, how it’s done, and the impact it has on our lives locally and statewide.

Wisconsin Deserves Fair Election Maps is a one hour video providing an in-depth look at gerrymandering in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Supreme Court Case and grassroots action strategies that have massive bipartisan support throughout Wisconsin.

Don't have an hour?  Links on the page let you watch individual chapters. Here are three key clips:

  • Clip 3 - Misalignment of Votes and Seats
  • Clip 4 - How to Gerrymander
  • Clip 7 - Look at the Law
Two videos look at the gerrymandering between Milwaukee and two of the surrounding suburban areas.  Bill Whitford, lead plaintiff in Gill V Whiftord, is joined by guests who share their stories about gerrymandering and why they joined as plaintiffs in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Case.


Time: Tuesday, February 9, 7 - 8:30pm

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350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, March 9, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Meeting

Regenerative Agriculture, Healthy Soil & CO2 Balance
John E. Peck - Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders


Time: Tuesday, February 9, 7 - 8:30pm
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