The impact of COVID-19 stimulus packages in Sub-Saharan Africa and its effect on GBV interventions


Hello! MenEngage Africa invites you to a round-table discussion that is taking place as part the ongoing Ubuntu Symposium. The roundtable will focus on the impact of COVID-19 stimulus packages in Sub-Saharan Africa and its effect on GBV interventions.


DATE: Wednesday, 10 February 2021

TIME: 9am – 11am CAT


We are inviting partners to come hear an overview of research commissioned  by Sonke Gender Justice on the impact of initiatives aimed to reduce the gendered impact of Covid and for colleagues from MenEngage Africa to share their experiences in terms of how they have experienced stimulus packages in their countries, what impact this and the pandemic in general has had on gender issues.

Zoom Link


  1. To provide an overview of the gendered effects of COVID 19 in Sub Saharan Africa.
  2. To understand the impact of Stimulus Packages in addressing GBV and the gendered impact of COVID 19 in Sub Saharan Africa.
  3. To explore possible ways of mitigating some of the effects of COVID 19 and its responses.

The roundtable discussion will comprise of a wide variety of speakers, including the following:

Florence Mutake is a Programmes Coordinator with Shamwari Yemwanasikana a leading girls rights organization working to empower, educate and advocate for girls rights in Zimbabwe.

Nakai Godfrey Nengomasha works for SAfAIDS and is also the MenEngage National Coordinator for the Zimbabwe Chapter of MenEngage Africa.

David Tamba Mackieu is the Founding Executive Director of Men’s Association for Gender Equality Sierra Leone (MAGE SL), Secretariat of MenEngage Sierra Leone.

Kassoum Coulibaly is the National Co-Ordinator of MenEngage Mali.

Michael Onyango is Executive Director of Movement of Men Against AIDS in Kenya (MMAK).

Ange Marie Yvette Nyiransabimana is Youth Engagement Programme Coordinator at Citizen Voice and Actions Rwanda and Rwanda Men Engage Network Youth Coordinator.

Be sure not to miss out on this conversation! 

For more information about this round-table, please contact: 

Josephine Mukwendi, MenEngage Africa Specialist, on [email protected].

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