
Today, the Senate will begin the impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

For the past four years, Trump has fanned the flames of hatred, spread dangerous conspiracy theories, and attempted to undermine our democracy. And on January 6, right-wing rioters encouraged by Trump invaded our nation’s Capitol and demanded the election be overturned because the presidency was “stolen” from him.

I take my responsibility as a juror seriously and will listen to every argument as the trial continues this week. But there is no doubt that Donald Trump and his enablers have committed serious offenses against our democracy.

I’m asking you to sign my petition calling on my colleagues — on both sides of the aisle — to do the right thing, uphold the Constitution, and hold Donald Trump accountable for his dangerous actions:


America is so much better than this. The rioters who assaulted the symbolic heart of our nation’s government are not reflective of our country’s spirit, but they are a frightening harbinger of what could come if we don’t fix our deep-rooted problems.

That starts by taking this trial seriously and fulfilling our oath to serve.

— John