ALEC Gives Lawmakers Free Data Program Run by Republican Operatives

By David Armiak and Arn Pearson | February 8th, 2021 at 7:32 AM (CST)

The tax-exempt corporate bill mill’s gift of sophisticated voter software to its almost exclusively Republican legislative members may run afoul of federal and state laws.

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Utility Execs Across the U.S. Hit with Criminal Charges in 2020

By Don Wiener | February 5th, 2021 at 7:43 AM (CST)

Major utility corruption scandals rocked three states in 2020, resulting in criminal charges against utility executives and the ouster of House Speakers in Illinois and Ohio.

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Despite Pandemic, Union Membership Rose in 22 States, Including Many Right-to-Work States

By Don Wiener | February 1st, 2021 at 2:15 PM (CST)

Despite steep pandemic-related job losses all around, union workers fared better than non-union workers in 2020, and union membership actually increased in almost half the states.

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The Real Money Behind the Politicians Who Voted to Overturn the Election

By Alex Kotch | January 28th, 2021 at 12:53 PM (CST)

Corporations and wealthy individuals poured millions of dollars into super PACs, political committees, and dark money groups that spent at least $272 million to elect most of the 147 members of Congress who voted to reject Joe Biden’s Electoral College win.


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ALEC’s Numerous Ties to the Capitol Insurrection and “Big Lie”

By David Armiak | January 27th, 2021 at 3:33 PM (CST)

ALEC’s leaders, legislative members, and alumni played a major role in promoting Trump’s stolen-election disinformation campaign, attempting to overturn the election, and inciting the resulting violent invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Will its corporate backers hold it accountable?


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ALEC Honoree Backed Effort to Overturn Presidential Election, Compared Penn. Gov. to Nazis

By Don Wiener and Arn Pearson | January 19th, 2021 at 7:29 AM (CST)

ALEC’s 2020 Legislator of the Year, Pennsylvania Sen. Chris Dush, signed a Jan. 5 letter asking Vice President Pence to stop certification of the presidential election results, just one day before the violent Capitol insurrection, and compared Gov. Wolf’s administration to the Nazi Party.


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ALEC Lawmakers Traveled to D.C. For Rally and March That Led to Fatal Insurrection

By Alex Kotch | January 14th, 2021 at 8:13 AM (CST)

Two current and two recent members of the American Legislative Exchange Council, including one state chair, spent weeks lying about voter fraud and then participated in the events directly preceding the bloody coup attempt.


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ALEC Working in Partnership with Turning Point USA, Major Player in Capitol Insurrection

By David Armiak | January 13th, 2021 at 12:10 PM (CST)

Documents obtained by CMD show that ALEC forged a new partnership in December with radical pro-Trump group Talking Points USA, a coalition partner in the #StoptheSteal rally that led to the violent invasion at the U.S. Capitol.


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Republican AGs Forever Tied to Violent Pro-Trump Insurrection

By David Armiak and Alex Kotch | January 11th, 2021 at 3:05 PM (CST)

RAGA’s effort to cover its tracks in promoting Trump’s “big lie” and the pro-Trump insurrection last week fall short and leave questions unanswered.


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CMD Joins Call for Trump’s Removal from Office

By ExposedByCMD Editors | January 8th, 2021 at 5:45 PM (CST)

CMD’s executive director and president of the board have joined with more than 1,300 attorneys to defend the rule of law and call for President Trump’s removal from office for inciting his backers to insurrection.


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Christian Right Council for National Policy Tied to Violent Insurrection at U.S. Capitol

By David Armiak | January 8th, 2021 at 4:12 PM (CST)

The astroturfed #StoptheSteal group that drew thousands of Trumpists to the Washington, D.C. rally on Wednesday that turned into a violent insurrection at the Capitol has strong ties with the influential Christian Right Council for National Policy.


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The Koch Coup: Charles Koch’s Political Machine Bankrolled Senators Who Will Attempt to Steal Election for Trump Tomorrow

By Alex Kotch and David Armiak | January 5th, 2021 at 1:31 PM (CST)

Charles Koch’s political operation and his close family members have funded the campaigns and leadership PACs of all 13 U.S. senators who will attempt to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s victory on Jan. 6 based on Trump’s conspiracy theories and lies.


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Koch Industries Is Top Corporate Donor to Reps Who Will Try to Overturn Democracy

By Alex Kotch | December 29th, 2020 at 9:58 AM (CST)

On January 6, a group of far-right Republican representatives will challenge the electoral votes Biden won in one final attempt to scrap democracy.


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Gerrymandered Districts Give GOP the Advantage as Lawmakers Prepare to Draw New Lines

By Alex Kotch | December 23rd, 2020 at 11:56 AM (CST)

Republicans drew their own heavily favorable state legislative districts after their 2010 election wave. Now it’s time for a new round of redistricting, and the GOP will have an even greater advantage.


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Koch-Funded Group Seeks to Overturn Voter-Approved Tax on Arizona’s Wealthiest 1%
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