The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refused to protect wolves. We’ll see it in court.
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Gray wolf

Hi John,

Trump's war on wolves was just rubber-stamped — by those in charge of protecting wildlife.

President Biden ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to review the decision to strip wolves of protection. But within days the agency had doubled down on its plan to put wolves in the crosshairs.

We knew the federal hatred of wolves wouldn't end with Trump, which is why we're in court now to save them.

You can help today with a gift to the Wolf Defense Fund.

One of Biden's first executive orders was for all agencies to review Trump's policies, in part to ensure the "best science" was followed in decision-making.

Scientists agree that wolves are not yet fully recovered — and still need the lifesaving power of the Endangered Species Act.

But after just five days, the Service claimed Trump's decision to strip away wolves' protection was just fine. It didn't even wait for a new Interior secretary to be confirmed to endanger these creatures.

This knee-jerk hostility toward wolves is not new. It's what we see in states like Wyoming and Idaho, where wolf hunting and trapping is rampant, and what we just saw in Wisconsin, where trophy hunters recently sued the state to force a wolf hunt this winter.

Again and again the Service has betrayed wolves by taking away their protection and letting them be gunned down. And each time it's been forced to backtrack, because the science is clear: Gray wolves across the lower 48 need protection.

We need you with us to save wolves from persecution.

Please give to the Wolf Defense Fund today.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's fight for wolves. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of gray wolf from Shutterstock.
Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States