Fellow Conservative, did you see the news?
Joe Biden has selected a South Carolinian to lead the Democratic National Committee.
That’s right, the Senate candidate who BROKE FUNDRAISING RECORDS in South Carolina is now leading the DNC.
The national Democrats would love nothing more than to FLIP South Carolina BLUE. The only thing standing in their way are grassroots conservatives like you who care deeply about the future of our country.
We must be prepared to handle the onslaught of liberal money that could soon flood the airwaves in South Carolina.
We are counting on every patriot reading this email to chip in $10 to Keep South Carolina Red.
Fellow Conservative, we know you have already given so much to protect our conservative values, but we really need to step up one more time to ensure we have the resources to WIN.
With a South Carolinian leading the National Democrat Party we cannot take anything for granted and must be prepared for the next election.
Freedom Corps, LLC
16192 Coastal Hwy
Lewes, DE 19958