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Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

The Trump Political Show Trial

Ron Paul, MD

Coming Soon: State-Mandated Abuse of Children

Vasko Kohlmayer

Conservatives and Libertarians for Education Socialism

Laurence M. Vance

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance

Paul Craig Roberts

Turning Their Backs on Marjorie

Striking “moderate” poses in the present political climate is like trying to be a pacifist on a battlefield. Paul Gottfried

Big Brother Comes to America

Experts in the US are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth. Frank Furedi

Blasphemy Against the Unholy Spirit

Bionic Mosquito

Stanford Medical Prof: Scientists Are Being Censored For Sharing ‘Alternative’ Info About Covid

Arjun Walia


James Howard Kunstler

Why the New Paradigm Was Inevitable

Jeff Thomas

Don’t Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy To Kill the Constitution

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

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