
Today marks the beginning of another sham impeachment trial, pursued by spiteful Democrats who claim to want unity while at the same time viciously going after their political opponents.

But this time the circumstances are a little different - since Joe Biden is now the one “leading” the country - this impeachment will be of a private citizen who isn’t even in office anymore!

This is unconstitutional!
We know why the priority for Democrats right now is impeaching a private citizen instead of, say, helping working Americans in the middle of a pandemic.

They’re trying to create a deeper divide by erasing someone who dared to call out their America Last agenda and prevent him from ever holding office again!

But they won’t stop our movement - if we continue to come together, we can show the D.C. Swamp that despite their best efforts, America First isn’t going anywhere!
Thank you for standing strong,
Greg @ AZGOP