Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

Our Racial Justice Working Group has been meeting weekly for months, and they have some news. There is an impressive new website focused on the Duluth area called L.E.A.N., or the Law Enforcement Accountability Network .

I encourage you to go to the website and study the statistics and the proposals. One of the proposals is the Cahoots style 911 alternative response system that our working group has been fleshing out, initially proposed by member Cruz Mendoza. The other proposals came out of the petitions that many of us signed shortly after George Floyd was murdered. A group of activists called the Petition Working Group has been pushing those ideas forward. 

Now they are asking that we read the proposals and become familiar with them. Share the website where you can. And sign up for its news letter. 

Additionally this past weekend chapter member Kriss Ossbaken had a counterpoint editorial to Chief Tusken's piece (he wants a new deputy chief). Finally, Angel Dobrow was featured in a very good interview on KUMD about what the Racial Justice Working Group is proposing. 

If you want to be involved with this working group, respond to this email and let us know. They meet Mondays at 6 pm. 

In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary
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