Tomorrow, my Senate colleagues and I will convene to consider the impeachment charge brought forward by the House of Representatives against Donald Trump for incitement of insurrection.

This impeachment trial is one last opportunity for the United States Senate to do its constitutional duty and finally hold accountable a former president who violated his oath to the Constitution and incited an attack on the House and Senate for the purpose of overturning a democratic election.

Add your name to call on Senate Republicans to defend the Constitution and vote based on the facts to convict Donald Trump for his role in inciting a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol >>

We must be clear about what happened and clear about our task.

Over months and weeks a sitting president sold his supporters a Big Lie about the outcome of our presidential election — and then incited those supporters to take violent action to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power on which our democracy depends.

Our democracy still stands, but it is battered. And the task of healing and moving forward cannot take place without a full accounting for the events of January 6 — which also led to more than 5 deaths and many more injured.

That’s why it’s so important that the Senate act. Join me in calling on my Republican colleagues to weigh the facts and do the right thing for our country and our democracy and convict Donald Trump >>

Trump no longer occupies the White House, but his Big Lie still holds sway over large numbers of Americans, poisoning our politics and threatening the health of our democracy. This should not be a partisan moment — it should be a moment of unity and support for the rule of law and our democratic system of government.

I will keep you updated as the trial progresses.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to defend our democracy.
