So what should you imagine next? I'm glad you asked.
- Imagine one million people take The Quiz next year! ...roughly double our 2019 pace.
- Do you remember the first time you took The Quiz? Now imagine that you're going to get the chance to take a new quiz ...and then another ...and yet another!
Why would these new quizzes be important?
Every enterprise that’s selling a service or an idea, like we are, requires a constant flow of interested prospects. Every sales outfit has a system for generating these “leads.”
The Quiz is our primary “lead generation machine.”
In other words, the more people that take The Quiz, the more self-governors we find.
Not only that, more Quiz Takers means more conversations where we’re selling the virtues and values of self-government.
The Quiz is a proven lead generation machine. At least 23 million people have taken The Quiz. We want more!
We’re going to capitalize on a secret formula that can get us millions more Quiz Takers.
Issues of the Day
Current events are proven click-grabbers. For example, hot topics are used by talk radio hosts to make their phones ring, generate debate, and drive up ratings.
Likewise, the Political Map (the Nolan Chart) is a proven technology. It is so inviting that we can combine it with the hot, headline issues to build another lead generation machine. We call this exciting combination…
Single Issue Surveys
Each SIS (Single Issue Survey) will be based on the hot issues of the day. Here are the topics for the first four surveys that we released just last month (image is clickable)...

That means YOU don't even have to imagine. Now, you have new quizzes to take and new quizzes to share.
We're using the Political Map in a new fashion. After the Survey Responder completes ten to fourteen questions, they're plotted on the "top half" of the Political Map. Their result can be conservative, progressive, moderate, or libertarian.
Since hot new issues come up all the time, I bet you can see how we'll be able to launch several SISs per year! We expect the next SIS to launch later this month.
Now here comes that word… Imagine that each time we do that, we'll start tens, if not hundreds of thousands of new conversations about libertarian self-government!
That's not all. The SIS will also create agreement with the libertarian position. Let me say that another way, just to be super clear...
- Conservatives tend to agree with libertarians on some issues.
- Progressives tend to agree with libertarians on some issues.
Therefore, there will be some who believe they’re progressive who will score libertarian on a given SIS. There will also be some conservatives who score libertarian.
Indeed, we want to test that very thing. If someone discovers they lean libertarian, might they be more open to considering the entire libertarian message?
Imagine Rick. He knows his political identity is progressive. He takes the SIS on police accountability and discovers, on this issue, his views are more libertarian than progressive.
It’s a lightning bolt. “How can this be?” he asks himself.
A journey of discovery begins - a journey we’re eager to help every Rick out there have.
Have we forgotten The Quiz that started it all? Of course not. As I told you earlier, the news on that front is nothing short of incredible. We’re seeking multiple opportunities to reach people and engage them.
And speaking of a journey of discovery…
The Human Respect Test
In July, we started having engaging conversations with everyone who took The Quiz. We call this new engagement the HR Test (Human Respect Test). It's based on some simple ideas…
You don’t use coercive force in your personal life, likely because you believe it’s wrong. Instead, you practice Human Respect, likely because you believe it’s right. So, why are government and politics an exception?
Here are the results of the HR Test engagement, as of the end of 2020 (a bit more than 5 months)…