The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ravage our communities — and people of color continue to be hospitalized at higher rates and essential workers remain underpaid and at-risk. But John, centrist, corporate Democrats intent on compromising with the GOP for the sake of “unity” are taking their time to act — time that folks across the country cannot afford. Sign on to join Our Revolution in demanding that Congress pass COVID-19 relief now!
Since March, essential workers have been expected to work through a deadly pandemic, all the while being underpaid. The Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan calls for a critically-needed increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 — but some Democrats want to strip it from the bill. Every day that we waste not passing COVID-19 relief, we continue to let working people and people of color bear the brunt of the government’s failures. Congress needs to act now to give a permanent stimulus to millions of low-wage workers by raising the minimum wage to $15, sending another round of one-time stimulus checks to working people, and ramping up vaccine production and distribution nationwide. Sign on now to demand Congress passes the American Rescue Plan immediately to increase the minimum wage to $15, distribute $1,400 stimulus checks, expand unemployment benefits, and deliver more desperately needed relief to working families→
In solidarity, Our Revolution
