The Senate cannot deny the will of the people


This week, the Senate will begin its impeachment trial of Trump over his incitement of a violent attack against the citadel of our democracy, the U.S. Capitol.

The facts are already clear: Trump lied about election fraud, attempted to undermine the legal votes of millions of Americans, and incited violence against lawmakers.

Despite having hundreds of opportunities to ease tensions and encourage a peaceful transfer of power, Trump instead chose to use his supporters as pawns, and five lives were lost as a result of his actions. Trump has proven that his loyalty was never to the Constitution — it is only to himself.

But Trump didn't act alone, he had the help of some Michigan state legislators too. Those Republicans who knowingly spread misinformation, undermined trust in our free and fair elections, and joined the rioters in Washington, D.C. must also be held responsible.

Add your name to urge the Senate to vote to convict Trump and disqualify him from ever holding office again.


Many of these same Republicans are calling for "unity" — but unity without accountability is just empty rhetoric. We need to restore our democracy, and that cannot happen when we have elected officials who don't understand, accept, or protect the rules of democracy.

That's why it's essential that the Senate hold responsible the person who created these fissures and set a clear example that political violence and extreme rhetoric will not be tolerated.

If you're with us, sign the petition to demand Senators fulfill their constitutional duty to the American people by convicting Trump of inciting insurrection.

Thanks for standing up for our democracy,

Michigan Dems



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