This is going to make you proud

Friends -

Today is the day campaigns have to publicly file their fundraising reports with the FEC.

Look at our report and you’ll see the people we are fighting for: teachers, students, workers at Walmart, Amazon, Starbucks and more.

Look at our opponents’ reports and you’ll see many of the people we are fighting against: pharmaceutical executives, cable company lobbyists, hedge fund managers, union-busting lawyers, and more.

The truth is, those folks out-raised us by a bit this time around. But there’s a limit to the number of rich folks out there who can give large donations to beat us. They may have the big checks, but we have more people.

But that means we have to ask. Because Bernie can’t do it alone:

Can Bernie count on you to make your FIRST $2.70 online donation to our campaign today? We’re trying to reach 1 million donors powering this campaign. Your contribution gets us closer while helping us win.

Bernie doesn’t represent large corporations and he doesn’t want their money. And that’s the way it should be, because people are sick and tired of those folks buying our candidates and our elections.

But that means we have to keep fighting — with an overwhelming number of individual donations. That is the only way we’ll be able to close the gap:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today?

You should be very proud of the way we are funding this campaign. It’s a big part of why we’re going to win.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager