Here's your chance to make an impact


We are in the midst of a very important battle that could rein in Janet Mills' power in Augusta.

Right now there is a critical special election for Maine Senate District 14 and our Republican Will Guerrette is working hard to earn the votes of every Mainer in his district. But he can't do it alone. We NEED your help!

We are currently running a full court press to turn out Republican voters for this critical race, which takes a lot of hard work and a lot of volunteers. We are knocking doors every Saturday, but we NEED to do MORE.

That is why we are deploying our easy to use at home phone banking technology for this race to turn out voters and push Will to victory in March.

With our incredible phone banking technology, you can make calls into this district from the comfort of your own home. All you need to do is let me know you're ready to be a part of our team!

Making an impact on this race is easy and everyone with a smartphone or computer can do it. Our team is standing by and ready to train and guide you to maximize your impact on this race!

Don't delay! Reply to this email and let me know you are on the team pushing to make Maine red!

Best regards,

Justin Davis
Political Director
Maine Republican Party