TODAY - Monday, February 8th at 1:00 pm (EST)
Israeli Elections Round 4: New Map or More of the Same?

Featuring Israeli political analyst and pollster Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin.

Israelis are going to the polls. Again. For the fourth time in two years.
How is this election round different from others? What is it about? Are there new players on the scene? Who are they and do they have a chance of denying Prime Minister Netanyahu another term in office? How is the traditional left faring? What about the Arab vote and the prospects for a shared Jewish Arab party?
Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin will discuss these and other questions on this APN webinar, another in our series on Israel’s March 23rd elections.
Dr. Scheindlin is a public opinion expert and an international political and strategic consultant, as well as a scholar and a writer. She has advised and conducted research on seven national campaigns in Israel over the past twenty years, and has provided research and advising for elections, referendums, and civil society campaigns in fifteen different countries.

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