
A message from our sponsor

Dear Pro-life Friend,

“This is our shot, we can go big or go home.”

That was “Squad” Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) message to her radical base shortly after Democrats took total control of Washington, D.C. – the White House, U.S. House, and U.S. Senate.

Tops on the “Squad’s” wish list?

Repeal of the Hyde Amendment – the only thing standing between Americans and their tax dollars directly funding all abortion.

My name is Kristan Hawkins and I’m president of Students for Life Action, the largest and most effective pro-life youth organization in the country.

If pro-lifers don’t act IMMEDIATELY, I’m afraid you and I will very soon be forced to dole out our hard-earned paychecks to pay for the murder of innocent preborn babies.

Will you please click here to sign your NO TAXPAYER FUNDED ABORTION Petition right away?

As you’ll see, this petition simply urges your U.S. Representative and Senators to protect taxpayers’ conscience by defending the Hyde Amendment and blocking direct taxpayer funding of all abortion.

Frankly, I’m afraid you and I are behind the eight ball right now.

You see, even as recently as when he was Barack Obama’s Vice President, President Joe Biden claimed to support Hyde Amendment protections.

But during his presidential campaign he reversed his position – caving into Planned Parenthood’s favorite politicians – Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar.

And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has said repeal of the Hyde Amendment is “long overdue,” all but promising repeal is in her cross hairs THIS YEAR.

In fact, just weeks ago, the Democrat-run Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee held a hearing on the Hyde Amendment.

Their conclusion?

That blocking direct taxpayer funding of abortion is somehow “racist and discriminatory!”

The truth is, pro-abortion politicians know repealing the Hyde Amendment will line the pockets of their pals at Planned Parenthood who will return the favor by funding their political campaigns to the tune of millions of dollars.

And the bottom line is, more taxpayer funding for abortion means more abortion.

If you agree with me that no American should be FORCED to pay for the murder of an innocent preborn life, I’m counting on you to click here and sign your NO TAXPAYER FUNDED ABORTION Petition right away.

After you sign your name, I pray you’ll also consider chipping in your most generous contribution possible to Students for Life Action.

As I mentioned, the Abortion Lobby is ramping up pressure on Washington, D.C. to repeal the Hyde Amendment – now.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even started her own petition to repeal the Hyde Amendment over a year ago!

With her social media following and fawning media coverage, I can only guess how many signatures she’s collected from her radical base.

That means I need to collect as many signatures as possible to show self-proclaimed “moderates” in Congress the Pro-Life Movement is watching and we won’t let them get away with forcing taxpayers to pay for all abortion.

I’m going to need you and every pro-lifer who signs this petition to SHARE it with their friends and family.

On top of that I’m going to need to run digital ads to reach tens of thousands more pro-lifers online.

But all this takes resources – resources I just don’t have lying around in Students for Life Action’s bank accounts right now after we exhausted nearly all of our funds on the 2020 elections.

So, please click here to sign your NO TAXPAYER FUNDED ABORTION Petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25, or at least $10 today.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life Action

Sign My No Taxpayer Funded Abortion Petition >>

Students for Life Action is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to Students for Life Action are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Students for Life Action's mailing address is 600 Princess Anne St #7667, Fredericksburg, VA 22401


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