Because This Is America! Weekly News, Updates, and Events We As Democrats Believe:
"But this is the great danger America faces. That we will cease to be one nation and become instead a collection of interest groups: city against suburb, region against region, individual against individual. Each seeking to satisfy private wants."
Barbara Jordan, Politician and Civil Rights Leader
Suggest a future quote?: Click here to send to the Editor
Historic Second Impeachment Trial Starts this Week
Most experts agree Trump is likely to be acquitted a second time because conviction requires a vote of 67 Senators, and the vast majority of the Republicans in the Senate seem unwilling to hold Trump accountable. Recently 45 of the 50 Republican Senators voted that the trial will be unconstitutional on the technical grounds that Trump is no longer a sitting President. Both North Carolina Senators, Thom Tillis and Richard Burr, voted in favor of the Republican objection. Trump’s Impeachment trial in the Senate is set to begin this week. Please call Senator Burr’s Office at (202) 224-3154 and Senator Tillis’ Office at (202) 224-6342 to ask them to vote to convict Donald Trump of inciting the mob which attacked the US Capitol. You might use a message like this: “This is ______ calling from Wilmington NC. On January 6, Donald Trump incited a mob to assault Congress as it was certifying Electoral College votes. To protect our future elections it is critical that you vote to convict Trump and disqualify him from holding future office. Doing anything less is a threat to our Republic.” For a good overview of the upcoming trial, see the VOA article here. Organization Seeks to Claim Mantle of "Party of the Military" for Democrats
The group says in an online posting: "Welcome home, Patriot! Join us as we continue our service to our Country and to the defense of the Constitution. We are organizing to stand for our Democratic Values here in North Carolina by electing democrats, working with and getting veterans elected, organizing service projects in our communities, and taking over the mantle of "the party of the military." Republicans have long claimed that they support the military, but their policies don't support the claim. For instance, Republicans supported Donald Trump's move to shift funding away from North Carolina military installations to help build his border wall. The VMF Caucus is currently not charging dues and is looking to extend its membership. To join, follow this link.
Volunteers Sought to Organize 4 Precincts
You do not have to live in the precinct to volunteer to organize it. The work involves calling, emailing, setting up a Zoom meeting or working with a Zoom facilitator to set it up, conducting the meeting, electing Precinct Officers and County Convention delegates and submitting a meeting certification which reports the results. If you can help, please email Susanne Werner (2nd Vice-chair), [email protected], using 2021 Precinct Organizers in the subject line.
NHCDP To Vote On County Officers in April
NHCDP will vote for new officers at the County Convention in April, including Chair, 3 Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer. If you are interested in serving or know someone who may want to serve, please contact any of the existing officers.
Winter Meeting of State Executive Committee -- February 27th
When: Saturday, February 27th
Where: Zoom. Details Here:
This meeting will select the slate of NCDP Officers for the next two years, consider resolutions and review proposed revisions to the Plan of Organization.
Precinct Organization Meetings -- March 6th - March 20th
When: March 6th - March 20th
Where: TBD by Precinct Organizers. Some on Zoom
These organizational meetings are critical to our effectiveness going forward to 2022 and 2024.
Upcoming Democratic Events To Note On Your Calendar
2021 County Convention Meeting – Saturday, April 10th
2021 (Makeup Date) County Convention Meeting – Saturday, April 17th
2021 Congressional District Convention Meeting – Saturday, May 22nd
2021 Summer SEC Meeting – Saturday, August 7th
Best, Richard Poole, Chair News Content by James Cummings If you have any announcements, comments, questions or concerns regarding this email series, please contact the Editor here.