By The Stand on Feb 07, 2021 02:26 pm
The public schools in Virginia have received new orders from the government, dictating how schools handle transgender students, as well as which bathrooms students are permitted to use.
These new policies can be easily summarized as carte blanche. Students will have access to whichever bathroom matches the gender they assert they are.
“Students should be allowed to use the [bathroom] that corresponds to their consistently asserted gender identity,” say the new guidelines.
Additionally, no verification or evidence of a gender transition is needed for any given student to access either restroom. In essence, a male student can decide one day that he’s a female, and the school has to let him in the girls’ room that day, no questions asked.
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By Virginia Christian Alliance on Feb 07, 2021 02:19 pm
The months ahead are going to test America and followers of Jesus, especially. But as Luke 18 urges, we must pray and not lose heart....
The post LIVE STREAM this Wednesday at 7p.m. February 10, 2021: The Way Forward appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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By Brad Huddleston on Feb 07, 2021 01:58 pm
Brad Huddleston It would be an understatement to say that the current pandemic has brought challenges to the Body of Christ. Many churches across our...
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By Virginia Christian Alliance on Feb 07, 2021 01:43 pm
Boy has yours truly been off in his assessment of America with regard to God’s power to control events!
At present, it seems it’s over for the nation in terms of ever returning to any semblance of that envisioned by its founding fathers. Those who are believers in Jesus Christ as mankind’s only hope are filled with worry and dark expectations for the future. This state of many Christians is somewhat of an oxymoron, or would that be a paradox, or even, possibly, a dichotomy?
At any rate, it smacks of being a contradiction in terms. We look to the Creator of all that is as our blessed hope (Titus 2:13) and yet we look at our future as full of extreme gloom. As the Apostle Peter might say, “My brethren, such things ought not be…”
The post God’s Awesome Control appeared first on Virginia Christian Alliance.
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