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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 8 February


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Secularism in the media


Apology issued after Peterborough church accuses residents of ‘anti-Catholic feeling’ over new school

An apology has been issued to residents in Hampton after a church newsletter accused them of spreading "lies" and "anti-Catholic feeling" over a new primary school.

Peterborough Telegraph


Uighurs: 'Credible case' China carrying out genocide

There is a "very credible case" that the Chinese government is carrying out the crime of genocide against the Uighur people, according to a formal legal opinion newly published in the UK.



Team GB should boycott Beijing Olympics if Uighur camps not closed – Lib Dems

Team GB and ministers must boycott the Beijing winter Olympics in 2022 unless the Chinese government "ends the genocide" of the Uighur Muslims, the Liberal Democrats have said.



Man in court accused of sharing of IS beheading videos

A man from north London who moved to Syria has appeared in court accused of sharing Islamic State group videos.



‘Why I left my ultra-orthodox life behind’

When Yehudis Fletcher spoke to other mothers online she realised a different way of living was possible.

The Times*


‘As a severely disabled person, I know how vital it is that UK law on assisted dying is changed’

I am not scared to die but I want choice and control over how I manage that dying process, says Dr Stephen Duckworth.

The Independent


Australia: Victorian parliament passes bill banning gay conversion therapy

Gay conversion practices have been banned in Victoria following a marathon debate in the state's parliament overnight.

SBS News


Biden calls for expanded efforts to protect LGBTQ rights globally

U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday issued a presidential memorandum aimed at expanding protection of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people worldwide, including potentially through the use of financial sanctions.



‘Secular groups praise Biden’s agenda but express concerns about religious rhetoric’

'I worry that this administration's idea of interfaith outreach may tend to exclude nonbelievers,' said Sarah Levin, program director for Secular Democrats of America.

Religion News Service


Indonesia bans forced religious attire in schools

Indonesia has banned public schools from making religious attire compulsory, after the story of a Christian student being pressured to wear a headscarf in class went viral.



Woman succeeds in 6-year legal battle to be recognised as non-Muslim

Rosliza Ibrahim has never professed the religion of Islam nor led a life as one, as she was raised a Buddhist by her Buddhist mother, the Federal Court ruled.

New Straits Times


‘Google and Apple have caved to Pakistani pressure to take down apps made by Ahmadi Muslims’

Over the last two years, the government of Pakistan has forced Google and Apple to take down apps in the country created by developers based in other nations who are part of a repressed religious minority.



The latest from the NSS and the No More Faith Schools campaign


Ireland's mother and baby homes scandal shows the necessity of separating church and state

The misery which women and children faced for decades highlights the damage that can be done when states leave religious authority unchecked, says NSS president Keith Porteous Wood.


Council investigates faith school over large Covid-defying wedding

A local authority has launched a review of governance at a state-funded faith school where a large wedding took place last month.


Parent’s perspective: playing the faith school admissions game would teach my children the wrong lessons

Almost all the places at the school my daughter wants to attend are reserved on a religious basis. Jumping through the necessary hoops to get her in would teach her that dishonesty pays, says Roxana from Bristol.


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