How we can shift power from CEOs to workers.


Sign the petition to support the PRO Act


Strikes are one of the most powerful ways workers can exercise our power. Today, workers are striking at levels not seen in decades and tens-of-thousands of CWAers have walked out on strike over the last few years, winning big improvements at the bargaining table. But the law still allows employers to undermine our power to strike.

The problem is, when CEOs and the 1% hold so much power, our economy and laws stay rigged in favor of the wealthy. They get richer while our wages stay stagnant and our working conditions get worse. We need big change.

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 2474) is a sweeping and historic piece of legislation that would completely change labor law as we know it and shift power away from CEOs to workers, reversing decades of legislation meant to crush unions. One of the most important things the bill does is protect strikes and other protest activity.

Click here to sign the petition to Congress demanding they pass the PRO Act.

The PRO Act will make it illegal for employers to permanently replace striking workers and stop them from retaliating against workers who participate in a strike. The bill will allow workers to show solidarity with workers at other companies by engaging in secondary picketing, strikes or boycotts. Currently, these actions are illegal.

In addition to protecting strikes, the PRO Act will strengthen protections for workers forming a union, prevent the misclassification of workers as independent contractors, deal a blow to “right-to-work” laws, and much more! *

The House of Representatives may vote on the PRO Act soon, so we must push our Members of Congress to do the right thing and support this bill!

Sign the petition demanding Congress support the PRO Act:

In Unity,


Beth Allen
Communications Director

* Read even more about the PRO Act here:

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