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Monday, February 8th, 2021

The Election Fraud in Their Own Words

Time Magazine Reporter Brazenly Reveals the ‘Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election’. Bill Sardi

The Last Time the D.C. Establishment Labeled Its Political Opposition as ‘Insurrectionists’ (and How It Taught Them About ‘National Unity’)

Thomas DiLorenzo

All Hail the Conquering Central Bankers – Or Else

Thomas Luongo

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Study Disputes That Earth Is in a ‘Climate Emergency’

James Delingpole

Winter Storm Threatens Germany’s Power…Freezing Hell If Already Rickety Grid Collapses

P Gosselin

Cancelling Aging Air Bags

Eric Peters

Gold Could Offer a Way out of Switzerland’s Failing Inflationist Experiment

Brendan Brown

Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap

John W. Whitehead

Pentagon Goes Rooting for ‘Extremists’ Among Its 3.6mn Trained Killers

Helen Buyniski

Aural Rape

Taki Theodoracopulos

NYT Columnist Urges Biden Hire a ‘Reality Czar’ & Establish a ‘Truth Commission’

Arjun Walia

LRC Blog

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