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Report Reveals Iran’s Years-Long Effort to Infiltrate Israel, Recruit Spies and Sow Terror
“An Israeli security official with connections to the Shin Bet told Walla that Iranians activities in this realm are “characterized by sophistication and technique at the highest level.”

Iran is engaged in a terror war against Israel. An ...

Beijing ☭ Biden: ‘Nonstarter’ to Think Businesses Can Be ‘Open and Moving and Thriving Without Dealing with This Pandemic’
They used a flu to take down our election, our livelihoods, our freedoms, our country.

You didn't think they Democrat-totalitarians would give that up, did you?

Biden: ‘Nonstarter’ to Think Businesses Can Be ‘Open and Moving and ...

WATCH This Now: ABSOLUTE PROOF – Bombshell DOCUMENTARY of evidence of election rigging
Watch it, share it, email it to everyone one of your contacts,send it to your Congress-cretins. The election was stolen.

They must be stopped.

There is also an excellent website on election irregularities: ...

‘BURN IT DOWN!’ Left-wing Antifa, BLM rioters attack police, threaten to TORCH DC
This is what a real insurrection looks like.

“Burn it down,” they chant.

BLM-Antifa are marching through Washington, DC. #antifa

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) February 7, 2021

Washington, DC: Police ...

Pamela Geller Has Been Permanently Banned from Twitter
They’re going to silence us all eventually, if they can, and on Saturday, the sanctimonious and hypocritical fascists of Twitter came for Pamela Geller:

Your account, PamelaGeller has been suspended for violating the Twitter rules. ...

EVIL: Biden ☭ cancels Elon Musk’s space program
The hatred of the good for being the good.

The left (the State) despises Americanism (individualism).

Musk is his own man — and he pissed off the fascists.

Biden cancels Elon Musk's adventures in space

New president is making his ...

Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen to Meet with Biden
The head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen, will be meeting in the next few weeks with President Biden to discuss Iran. It’s a hopeful sign. Cohen know as much about Iran’s nuclear program, and how to stop it, as anyone alive. And the Mossad has done more ...

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