Friday, September 27, 2019

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With the Gears of Impeachment Finally Grinding, the Hard Part Begins

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

Impeaching Trump does not mean justice will be served for all who have been harmed by the illegal and immoral actions of this administration. In point of fact, there is no guarantee that Trump will even be impeached at all. If he is impeached, his removal from office is even less likely. Here's what impeachment does not mean.
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Trump's Legal Manipulation Could Chill Future Whistleblower Testimony

Elliot D. Cohen, Truthout

Contrary to what The New York Times and other mainstream news media have suggested, whistleblowers do not need authorization from the director of national intelligence, the Justice Department, the president or even the inspector general to go directly to Congress about a complaint. This distinction is important now, as Trump's legal manipulation could continue to chill future whistleblowers' congressional testimony.
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Facebook Is Making Millions by Promoting Hate Groups' Content

Alex Kotch, Sludge

Despite Facebook's hate speech policy -- which it enforces inadequately -- the company has taken in nearly $1.6 million in ad revenues from hate groups since mid-2018. Furthermore, Facebook has exempted politicians from its community standards and allowed their posts and ads to skip its fact-checking process, freeing them to spread "fake news" as they see fit.
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Former FBI Agent's Trial Exposes Racist Ideology Infiltrating Law Enforcement

Huma Yasin, Truthout

A civil assault trial against former FBI agent John Guandolo in Dallas this month laid bare the toxic, systemic indoctrination of racism that infiltrates law enforcement agencies. Guandolo has built up a lucrative business nationwide peddling conspiracy theories about Muslims and organizations like Black Lives Matter, at great cost to communities of color.
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Trump Slashes Refugee Cap to Record Low

Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

In what rights groups condemned as a move driven by President Trump's racism-filled political agenda, the State Department announced that the U.S. will accept no more than 18,000 refugees over the next fiscal year. The cap marks an all-time low since the U.S. refugee admissions program was established in 1980 to provide shelter to those fleeing violence and persecution.
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Graduate Workers Will Fight Like Hell to Stop the Trump Labor Board's New Rule

Jeff Schuhrke, In These Times

President Trump aims to reverse a 2016 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision recognizing graduate employees at private universities as workers -- effectively stripping them of union and bargaining rights. If campus administrators and Trump's NLRB insist that graduate workers aren't really workers, perhaps they should collectively stop working and see just how long the universities can function without their labor.
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Corporate Lobbyists Aim to Steer Trump Away From Tariffs

Yue Stella Yu, Center for Responsive Politics

Caught in the cycle of U.S.-China trade tension, some of the U.S.'s corporate giants are hiring an army of lobbyists with close ties to the Trump administration to deter it from imposing high tariffs. Lobbyists are also looking to influence Congress as it considers two major bills to curtail Trump's ability to raise tariffs.
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No One Should Have to Bargain for Health Care

Negin Owliaei, Other Words

Nearly 50,000 members of the United Auto Workers began striking earlier this month, demanding that General Motors (GM) pay them their fair share of the billions in profits the company raked in last year. GM responded by cutting off its payment of insurance premiums for the striking workers. Tying health care to employment enables employers to use their workers' health as a bargaining chip. Medicare for All would end that.
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Over 2,000 Arrested in Egypt in Growing Protests Against Sisi

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Demonstrations continued in Egypt on Friday, with thousands taking to the streets to demand the resignation of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over accusations of corruption. Nearly 2,000 people have been arrested over the past week amid protests in Cairo and other cities. The demonstrations were triggered by a former Army contractor's social media posts accusing Sisi and other officials of misusing public money.
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In Case You Missed It

Neoliberalism Paved the Way for Authoritarian Right-Wing Populism

Henry A. Giroux, Truthout

By waging a relentless war on democracy and its institutions, neoliberalism has tapped into a combination of fear and cathartic cruelty that has paved the way for an authoritarian right-wing populism. From Donald Trump to Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro to Hungary's Viktor Orbán, we are witnessing the rise of a neoliberal fascism characterized by the worst of gangster capitalism alongside fascist ideals of extreme nationalism, nativism and white supremacy.
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"Gladiator Fights" Expose Prisons to Be Genocidal Machines

Timothy Malone, Truthout

Over the last year, dozens of "gladiator fights" have been orchestrated by prison officials in California prisons where known rivals are pitted against one another, leading to injury or death. By deliberately creating conditions of psychological and material scarcity where incarcerated people are compelled to fight for resources, prison administrators have found a way to justify the existence of prisons.
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