Petition: Trump’s impeachment trial begins on Monday, February 8th. Tell Senate Republicans to do their job and convict Trump.


On Monday, the Senate will begin its historic second impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Despite a litany of impeachable offenses, most notably inciting the deadly insurrection at the Capitol, Senate Republicans have signaled they will not vote to convict Trump.

It’s a new low, even for Senate Republicans. But, John, there’s still time to put pressure on them by making our voices heard. Will you add your name right now to our petition calling on the Senate to do their jobs by convicting Donald Trump?


If you saw Marjorie Taylor Greene’s speech on the House floor this week, you know that Republicans are embracing a new brand of extremism. Whether they believe her conspiracy theories or are just doing what they think is politically expedient, Republicans in Congress have failed to find the courage to condemn QAnon conspiracy theorists and dangerous extremism.

It’s time for Republicans to draw the line and reject Donald Trump’s dangerous conspiracy theories that led to the deadly insurrection and to people like Marjorie Taylor Greene being elected to Congress.

Serve America