
Right-wing news outlets have been relentlessly attacking Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for simply telling her story about her experience during the Capitol riot on January 6th. They're calling her a liar and attacking her with nasty insults for simply telling the truth and calling for accountability for those responsible.

Their attacks are completely disgusting - but not surprising.

Will you push back on their attacks and sign on to our message to THANK AOC? Add your name and let's let her know we've got her back!


Content warning: Involves discussion of trauma and sexual assault.

Late Monday, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on Instagram Live to tell about her experience during the Capitol riot on January 6th. She detailed how she hid and feared for her life as a man pounded on her office doors shouting “Where is she!” Representative Ocasio-Cortez explained how the entire experience triggered trauma for herself as a survivor of sexual assault, and how Republicans like Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are using the same tactics of abusers when they tell us to move on.

Since then, Trump supporters like Fox News TV host Tucker Carlson and GOP Members of Congress have shamelessly attacked AOC and tried to discredit her. They’re calling her a liar for telling her story and trying to tear her down with nasty insults for simply telling the truth.

John, the right-wing attacks on AOC are disgusting. We want to send thank you messages to AOC to thank her for telling her story and demanding accountability. Will you join in now and send a message to thank her for her courage and standing up for what’s right?

(Often Members of Congress’ email inboxes redirect messages from outside their district. So that’s why we’re collecting signatures to send our national list of thank you messages directly to Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s office.)

AOC showed incredible courage when she spoke out on Monday: “The reason why I think it’s important to share is because, so many of the people who helped perpetrate… what happened in the Capitol, are trying to tell us all to move on… These folks who tell us to move on, that it’s not a big deal, that we should forget what happened, or even telling us to apologize, these are the same tactics as abusers.”

And she made the stakes clear. If those who incited the riot get away with it, they’ll be emboldened to do it again: “The reason why I think it’s important for us to hold this to account is that because we know that if we do not hold people accountable what they are asking for when they say ‘can we just move on’ is that what they are asking is, ‘can we just forget this happened so that I can do it again, without recourse,’ and that’s what these folks are asking.”

“These people remain a present danger… they will do it again.”

Representative Ocasio-Cortez also made clear that she didn’t intend to suggest her story was the only story, or the main story. There are hundreds of other stories from that day, and they should not be forgotten. They must be heard.

It’s disgusting that she’s being attacked by right-wing media hosts and GOP Members of Congress. But we know why they’re attacking her: They don’t want to be held accountable.

Join us to send a thank you message to AOC and support her telling her story. Let’s let her know we’ve got her back!

- HAZMAT America

PS: Did you sign our massive Sedition Petition? We're calling for all insurrectionists to be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Sign now and help us build as much momentum as possible!



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