Sea levels are rising. There's a gun violence epidemic. Voting rights are under attack. Abortion access is at risk. Millions can't access healthcare or a living wage -- during a deadly pandemic.
I’m fighting to expand and reform our judiciary because we can't afford to wait and see what excuses the partisan Republicans on the Supreme Court come up with to strike down solutions. We need reform now.
Your voice is critical to this movement as we continue pressuring our leaders in Congress and the White House to take immediate action to reform our courts. John, we need to hear from YOU. Why are you fighting for bold, progressive court expansion and reform? Take just one minute to share with us.
Add Your Voice →
The Supreme Court’s 6-3 conservative supermajority is not only out of step with the American people -- it is also a threat to our democracy.
This is why we must add seats to the Supreme Court and confirm judges to district and circuit courts who can be trusted to uphold the law and safeguard our democracy -- like civil rights lawyers, public defenders, and lawyers who’ve spent their careers fighting for justice.
Thank you for your participation today. We couldn’t do this without you.
Claire Baumgartner
Deputy National Organizing Director
Demand Justice
Demand Justice is leading the fight to reclaim our courts. With a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we can add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights. Are you with us? Find out how you can help →