People For Member, Racism is a public health crisis. For centuries, structural racism in the United States has harmed Black and brown communities and served as a major barrier to health equity. Racism leads to worse health outcomes for Black and brown patients than their white counterparts. And the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted these vast disparities. Death rates due to COVID-19 are the highest among Black and Indigenous people, followed by Pacific Islanders and Latinx people. Comprehensive research is needed to study the health impacts of structural racism and to develop race-conscious public health approaches and reverse disparities that have plagued our nation for FAR too long. That’s why we need Congress to pass the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act right away – millions of lives are at stake right now. Representatives Ayanna Pressley and Barbara Lee and Senator Elizabeth Warren reintroduced the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act to help expand research and investment into the public health impacts of structural racism, as well as to require the federal government to begin actively developing anti-racist health policy. This is particularly vital to address right now, while the COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging our communities nationwide. Black and brown people who get infected are more likely to have pre-existing conditions that increase their risk of severe illness, and because they are more likely to be uninsured, they tend to put off seeking treatment and require more urgent care when they do seek it out. On top of that, people of color tend to receive less aggressive treatment and are being vaccinated at much lower rates than white Americans. Tell Congress to address racism in our health care system IMMEDIATELY! >> The health of people of color has been devastated by widespread racism in our healthcare system for far too long. We need to immediately fix the unacceptable racist disparities in health care. In solidarity, Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate