This resolution was adopted Feb. 3, 2021, by unanimous vote of Golden Gate Branch 214, National Assn. of Letter Carriers, San Francisco, Calif., at their monthly membership meeting Whereas, 5,800 workers at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., are fighting for a union. They will be voting Feb. 8 to . . .
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Over the last two weeks, blaring headlines and memes alike have proclaimed the opening of a new front expressing mass outrage at Wall Street — and in the most unlikely place: the stock market. In 2011 Occupy Wall Street was a real revolt. The mad scramble to buy up GameStop . . .
Continue reading GameStop buying scramble was no “investor revolution” at
Desde la perspectiva de los jóvenes del mundo, el imperialismo estadounidense ha estado librando una guerra contra Iraq durante toda su vida. Los niños iraquíes nacidos el mismo año del comienzo de la Guerra del Golfo, que deberían estar acercándose a sus 31 años, fueron asesinados por las sanciones o . . .
Continue reading Imperio de E.E.U.U. libra guerra de 30 años contra Irak at